
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Update on Alan's health

Just a quick update: Alan is at Eden Valley Institute in Colorado for nine days. He is getting natural treatments to detoxify his body and boost his liver function. While some of the treatments are challenging (hour-long hot baths with your temperature hovering around 103.5, anyone?), we are hopeful that this will boost his body and help him to regain energy and immunity. Getting sick is a constant threat, as the doctor has warned that a bout with the flu or other serious illness could be life-threatening. So we appreciate your support and prayers as we continue soldiering through this ordeal. God has blessed with overall very few significant side effects from the hepatitis C so far. Alan's previous growing fatigue has not returned so far since his anointing in September.

We are still waiting to hear more about the potential for medical treatment in the near future. We have not heard yet whether he will be eligible for the drug trials starting in January or February in Atlanta, but there are several indications that there are several promising drugs coming in the near future that will have neither the intense side effects during treatment nor the long-term negative potential effects that are inevitable with the treatments currently available. So we are waiting uneasily. Please pray that God will guide us to exactly what treatments will work best for Alan.

Thank you all!

1 comment:

Pam said...

I remember you from I was at Weimar. I was so sorry to hear of your husbands illness when it was announced some time ago. Thanks for sharing your blog - I look forward to following along and hope God has miracles in store for you! I pray Eden Valley's treatments will give your husband a real immune boost!

My Aunt Shirley is spending time at Eden Valley for a couple of weeks as well(she arrived the middle of last week)in order to receive treatment for severe liver and lung cancer. Perhaps your husband will meet her. She lives in your area as well (Lookout mountain) and was taking a class at Southern this semester until she learned of this diagnosis the middle of November. If you have a little corner in your prayers for her I'm sure she would appreciate it!

I pray God's blessing on your husbands health and your whole family!