
Sunday, December 30, 2012

The birds and the bees...and food, sleep, water and sunshine

All of the children have come down with the flu this past week, but thankfully Alan and I haven't gotten sick. (He's been sequestered in our room and office, while the kids were confined to their rooms, and I've been the constantly-sanitizing go-between.) So tonight the kids were all feeling up to sitting together on the couch and watching a movie or two. After a couple of rounds of Battlefield Hollywood, Anaya and I opted for The Sound of Music. 

When we came to the scene where Liesl and Rolf kissed, there was much discussion. Anaya informed us that she would not be kissing anyone like that until she found the man she would marry. Then as things resumed, Seth followed up with his own musing.

"Boy, she's going to be surprised when the baby comes."

"What baby?" I asked, suspicious I knew the answer.

"The baby that comes from kissing."

"Well, Buddy, it takes more than kissing to make a baby."

"Yes," volunteered Anaya. "You have to sleep together to get a baby."

"Well, it's not just sleeping," I hedged. "It takes more than that."

Skyler submitted his theory. "It takes food and sleep and water."


"But Mommy," he added, "does it also take sunshine?"

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Blessings abound!

In checking the website that updates us on what drug trials are available, we have discovered that our doctor is finally approved to do a trial with the drug combo we have been waiting for! It is an all-oral treatment (no miserable shots) and Interferon-free (nasty drug with particularly bad side effects, both while in treatment and long-term afterward). And it is exciting to see that so far, it looks like the treatment will only be 24 weeks, instead of the 48 weeks that is mandatory with all drugs presently available (which would mean Alan feeling like he had the flu for almost an entire year).

The website also listed qualifications to be included in the study, and based on everything listed, it looks like Alan will qualify for the treatment. We are afraid to get excited yet...but cautiously speaking, it looks like great news! :)

So, we don't know when yet, but it looks like we will be able to start the treatments soon (likely January or February). Alan will have appointments with two specialists in Atlanta on January 2, so we should know more after that.

Also, my friend Susanne Vyhmeister has been working diligently on getting approval for nonprofit status for the ministry she is setting up to help us and others like us who are in ministry and are unexpectedly bombarded with treatment expenses. Immediate, huge expenses for the MRI, biopsy and other things are past for right now, and so far Susanne's huge efforts have helped raise $1,125, for which we are immensely grateful! Things like eating organic food, juicing, and child care while we are gone to appointments in Atlanta add up bit by bit, but if Alan is able to get accepted into the drug trial, that will help with at least some of the costs regarding drugs.

So, thank you all for your prayers and support! I can't tell you how much they mean to us. Over and over I am learning that when we invest in loving others, the investment comes back to us with great returns, just when we need it most.

Blessings and merry Christmas to you all!
