
Saturday, July 18, 2009

I have NOT learned, in whatsoever state I am...

Have I mentioned that my daughter can't get enough of people? This week she had one day in which she was with a whole horde of little kids her age for 11 hours straight. As she buckled herself into her car seat to leave, she wailed, "Mommy, there aren't any children here for me to play with! I need some other children."

"You don't need other children," I admonished. "You need to learn to be content with whatever circumstances you face. Remember Paul? He was content even when he was in prison."

"Mommy!" She rolled her eyes. "Paul wasn't alone! He had Silas."


LaVonne said...

Smart Girl, that one! ;)

Kristin said...

I can't tell you how funny I think this is...

sarah said...

:) priceless